Hearing loss can be a tricky subject to approach with your loved one. You don’t want to make them feel uncomfortable and awkward. You also don’t want to put them off discussing a hearing issue if they have one developing. Still, it’s important to have the conversation and take the process forward – here are five good ways to open up a sensitive topic.

Communicate with Care

If your loved one had a hearing issue that you are aware of but they, aren’t it can be difficult to raise the topic without offending them and closing them off the subject. That’s why it’s important to communicate with care, especially in the beginning. You could wait for an opportunity to raise the subject, like when they can’t hear what you say or when they are listening to the television too loudly, alternatively you could raise the topic artificially by using an example.

Use Examples

There are times when hearing issues are only difficult in social situations or concerning someone’s quality of life, then there are situations when it can be dangerous not to hear properly, such as driving a vehicle or operating equipment. If you don’t feel comfortable in the car with your loved one because they don’t seem to hear the blinker is still on or they don’t move when off the road when there is a siren, you can point it out to them and use it next time as an example.

Show How It Affects the Relationship

A conversation about a hearing issue is difficult because you might feel as if they are being criticized or offended. They might also see it as an indication of getting older that they want to resist, but you can sidestep these issues with creative communication. Let your loved ones know that they are treasured and respected. You can tell them that communicating with them is something you enjoy and value but it’s more difficult if they can’t hear you clearly. This helps them to see that their hearing loss affects other people as well.

Tell Them About Discrete Devices

There are several reasons why your loved one might be reluctant to talk about their hearing issues, these are to do with getting older and feeling criticized. Another common concern is wearing a hearing device which might impact them socially. When you get to the stage of discussing their hearing loss openly it’s time to introduce the idea of discrete hearing devices. These devices called in-the-ear hearing aids can be completely invisible to the outside.

Support Them All The Way

You don’t want to raise the issue of hearing for them and then leave them on their own, this will make them feel like it is their problem to solve. Instead, you need to empathize with them, stand by their side and walk through the process as if it’s you that needs the treatment as well. You can go to your audiologist’s office with them and help them decide on the best device for them.