Tinnitus is a common symptom of an underlying condition that a lot of people experience, with some only encountering it on a temporary basis and others experiencing it permanently. While there is often no full cure for tinnitus, there are some treatments that can help you to live comfortably, whether this means reducing the symptoms or stopping them altogether. With that being said, let’s take a look at how you can combat common tinnitus symptoms in more detail below.

What can You do to Combat the Tinnitus Symptoms You are Experiencing?

If your tinnitus has occurred because it is a symptom of a different underlying medical issue that you have, the first step is always treatment for the underlying condition. However, if you still have tinnitus even after you have finished treatment, or it has happened because you have been exposed to loud noise, audiologists advise either masking the unwanted noise or reducing it by using a variety of non-medical treatment options. Masking devices are a prime example. Oftentimes, tinnitus will go away on its own, without you needing to intervene. However, this is not the case all of the time. Sometimes, tinnitus will be reduced but it will not be eliminated. This is why it is important to make sure that you get in touch with an audiologist as soon as possible. If excessive earwax is the cause of the tinnitus you are experiencing, your audiologist will use a suction device to clean out your eyes. This instrument is known as a curette, it is a small, curved device, which will pull the earwax out of your ears. Another option is to use warm water to gently flush it out.


If you have an ear infection, you may be provided with ear drops that contain hydrocortisone to help relieve the itching and an antibiotic to fight the infection. If your tinnitus happens as a consequence of temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ), your audiologist will typically refer you to a dental specialist, such as an orthodontist, for suitable treatment. There are also a number of different types of medication that can be given for tinnitus. Anti-anxiety drugs can help some people to reduce tinnitus symptoms. Lidocaine has also been proven to offer relief from tinnitus symptoms for some people. Your audiologist will talk to you doctor if medication is the appropriate treatment for you and your needs. As you can see, there are a number of different symptoms that people can experience when they have tinnitus. The good news, though, is that there are also a number of different treatment options as well. The best thing to do is book an appointment with an experienced audiologist who will be able to carry out a test and get to the bottom of the hearing issues you are experiencing.