Without the correct diagnosis, treating hearing loss can be a daunting task. This is why audiologists suggest getting tested before you consider any form of hearing loss treatment. Some of the most common treatments for such a condition include:

  • Wearing of hearing aids
  • Removal of wax blockage
  • Various surgical procedures
  • Cochlear implants

Before your audiologist can suggest any of the above treatments, they may conduct any of the following three tests.

Audiometer Tests

This is a test that can help determine how well you will hear on both ears. It involves wearing headphones and hearing different sounds repeated at the lowest level to determine the faintest sound you can listen to. Note that this test is administered once you notice any hearing loss symptoms or as a checkup routine.

How Audiometry Gets Conducted

An audiologist will perform more than one test in audiometry. Foremost, they may conduct a pure-tone test to check the quietest sound you can hear. Another test includes determining whether you can distinguish speech from background noise. Lastly, an audiologist will place a metal device behind the ear to check your ability to hear vibrations through your ears. These tests may take less than an hour. All you should do is listen to your audiologist and follow their instructions. All too often, an audiometry test always leads to the need of taking preventative measures such as wearing earplugs to block out noise in noisy places.

Speech Test 

This is one of the simplest tests an audiologist will conduct on a patient. It aims to identify how well you will listen and repeat sounds or words. In simple terms, it checks the functionality of the speech reception threshold. Unlike other hearing tests, an audiologist can run this test in a noisy or quiet place.

How Speech Test Is Conducted

To conduct this test effectively, you will wear headphones, and the audiologist will say words through them for you to repeat the exact words. The audiologist can also record sounds at the faintest level and request you to repeat the words louder. This kind of test is most suitable for people who complain of not hearing correctly in noisy places. If your audiologist determines you have hearing loss, one of the best treatments is wearing a hearing aid.

Pure Tone Test

This specific test is relatively standard for determining your hearing threshold levels. It also develops a basis for most treatment options by checking the degree and hearing loss one is experiencing. Pure tone testing also determines tones you can hear at varying frequencies and pitches.

How Pure Tone Gets Conducted

During this test, your audiologist will request you to signal when you hear sound. This can be through raising your hand, nodding your head, or pressing a specific button. You will be required to wear earphones; if not, you may sit in a sound booth and listen to sounds from speakers. If you suspect you have hearing loss, it would be best to consider treatment as soon as you can. The three tests mentioned above and many others can help determine your hearing loss levels and recommendable treatment options.